After a contact request we will arrange a meeting with you. The initial consultation is designed to identify the wishes your company might have about the coaching programme and to establish whether your company is suitable for the programme. Furthermore, it offers your company information on the services and methods available.
You will receive an initial survey that asks for key information about your company and the devices and services you use or sell. Please note that it is important to give accurate descriptions of the claimed benefits of each device or service. The coaching programme offers help with that if needed.
If the initial consultation indicates that your company will not benefit from the coaching, our experts at Centria will provide your company with alternative services that are more suitable. Future cooperation can also be discussed.
If your company is approved for the coaching programme, we will proceed to specifying the benefits your company could have from our programme and cooperation. If Centria is responsible for producing a service or product, its scope, form and schedule shall be agreed upon.
The experts of Centria University of Applied Sciences prepare for the coaching by familiarising themselves in advance with the company and its current position through information available to them. Centria University of Applied Sciences has the right to receive supplementary material concerning the company if they see fit.