The aim of our coaching programme is to provide encouragement. clarify any issues regarding Digi-HTA and to offer guidelines for the process. Our coaching programme uses different operating models and tools that help the company to implement the Digi-HTA process.
The aim of the programme is to increase companies’ overall understanding of Digi-HTA and its feasibility. We strive to provide insight and guidelines into the process as the company decides to take part in the assessment. Examples of the themes used in our coaching programme:
- Regulation
- Assessment of the product or service
- Information security and data protection
- Accessibility
- Usability
The coaching is compiled according to the needs of the company, focusing on the issues that were listed as the content of the programme in the initial consultation. The meetings included in the coaching programme can be organised remotely, in -person or as hybrid meetings. The company and the experts decide together how the coaching is organised.
We use a tool specifically developed for Digi-HTA coaching to assist the coaching process. The Digi-HTA coaching tool is a framework that consists of essential perspectives of the Digi-HTA process. The tool is designed to help the company conceptualise which factors it should consider when signing up for the HTA. Other objectives include assessing whether the company meets the preconditions for the implementation of the process and whether there is any need for supplementary documentation. Learn more about the Digi-HTA tool on the TUTTUnet website (FI).